
A Space for Art are pleased to present a vibrant collection of works by artists Gary Komarin, Josh Rowell, Maser, Piers Bourke and Tafadzwa Masudi.


With thanks to Blond Contemporary, LaFontaine Contemporary Art and Rhodes Contemporary.

A Space for Art are pleased to present a vibrant collection of works by artists Gary Komarin, Josh Rowell, Maser, Piers Bourke and Tafadzwa Masudi.


Born in New York City, the son of a Czech architect and Viennese writer, Gary Komarin is a risk taker and considered a modern master in post painterly abstraction.

Komarin’s stalwart images have an epic quality that grips the viewer with the idea that he or she is looking at a contemporary description of something timeless. For painter Gary Komarin, abstraction has never been a formal dead end. Rather, it has allowed him to challenge the limitations of the style to make painting ‘include more’ precisely because a recognizable image excludes too much.

Artworks courtesy of Blond Contemporary www.blondcontemporary.com.


Josh Rowell focuses on technological advances that shape our contemporary lives, communicating our increasingly mediated human interactions within the confines of visual art. The artist balances analogue techniques with the instantaneous nature of the digital age. This juxtaposition celebrates the hand-made in a time that is increasingly being enveloped by the virtual. Artworks courtesy of Blond Contemporary www.blondcontemporary.com.


Maser’s artistic practice includes large-scale murals, works on canvas, sculptures, prints, immersive installations and interactive exhibitions.  His artistic style is regularly complemented with bold colours, pattern overlays and gestural forms. 

Artworks courtesy of Rhodes Contemporary www.rhodescontemporary.com


Piers Bourke straddles the genre of, print making and pure painting.  The works have a level of detail and love that defines Piers’ traditional craft but with a progressive eye on the future. Artworks courtesy of LaFontaine Contemporary Art. www.lc-arts.com


Tafadzwa Masudi started painting at an early age in Harare while assisting a family friend who introduced him to the visual arts. In 2010 he moved to South Africa and started working in a clothing factory. He saw this as an opportunity to paint full-time and soon his work started featuring in exhibitions at galleries in Cape Town.  His brightly coloured paintings depict scenes filled with balloons, people and patterns. Observed through the lens of a migrant person existing in a world that is not his own, the works reflect on optimism and the pursuit of a better future. 


“The balloons are not just masks of optimism or celebration, they also represent the composed pressure under which some of us are. A balloon can pop any moment, yet it represents happiness and celebration. That balloon is me staying calm under difficult circumstances while chasing the dream of a bright future”. Tafadzwa Masudi.

Artworks courtesy of Blond Contemporary www.blondcontemporary.com

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