The images oscillate between abstraction and representation, or the unseen and seen.

Mark Wright’s paintings take as there starting point his relationship to landscape and the  environment both directly experienced, and mediated through photographs.The works are visually layered through a painterly language indebted to earlier traditions and histories, from post-impressionism to lyrical abstraction and neo-expressionism. Key to the works is Wright’s engagement with ideas of how painting can address space and time through the materiality of paint and how it is used to create the works. Paint is applied and worked over time using a diverse range of marks and gestures. It is this physical engagement that creates the images that oscillate between abstraction and representation, or the unseen and seen. The resulting paintings although filtered through the imagination are inspired by his experiences of the British landscape from Cornwall to the Orkneys. The paintings exhibited from his ‘Undergrowth’ series allude to observations of natural forms from reflections, to rock formations, plants and trees. The pictorial and aesthetic elements highlight perceptual concerns such as depth of field, focus, edges, structure, fragments and layering.


Wright studied at Central Saint Martins and the Royal College of Art, has exhibited widely in the UK and throughout Europe and the USA. He has works in various collections including Dundee Museums, Wellcome Trust, Deutsche Bank and the David Robert’s Foundation.

Installation Views